Buyer’s Resources:
-  Overview of the Buying & Selling Process
-  Benefits of Home Ownership
-  Finding the Right Home
-  Home Shopping Tips
-  Home Inspections
-  Evaluating Property
-  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Seller’s Resources:
- Overview of the Buying & Selling Process
- Preparing Your Home Through The Eyes Of A Buyer
- Repair & Cleaning Checklist
- Possible Work Orders
- What To Do While Your House Is Being Shown
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Market Analysis:
It is definitely a buyers market now. Interest rates are at an all-time-low, and the market is flooded is with homes. Now is the perfect time to find your dream home at a price worth smiling at.
-School Report:
-Academy Elementary: Recently remodeled, has a 12:1 student to
        teacher ratio, and is a recognized blue ribbon school of excellence
-Midtown Middle School: New desks, science lab, gym, and computers
        20:1 student to teach ratio. Overall a good environment.

Moving Tips:
-  Decide whether you want to use a professional mover or go with a rental service and move yourself.
-  Make sure all your furniture will fit in your new home
-  You may want to rent a disposal unit to discard clutter and make the move easier
-  Develop a list of all those who need to know your new address and phone number
- Bank
- Credit Cards
- Friends
- Family
